HCI 402 CA Project Semester 8 2018

The goal of this assignment is to use prototyping to assist in the development of a UI design. Storyboard your ideas with pen and paper using low-fidelity paper prototyping and multiple iterations. Refine the design in preparation for the development of a more complete hi-fidelity prototype.

At a minimum the prototypes should target three (3) key tasks that range in difficulty from modest to complex. These tasks should give good coverage of your interface and should be non-trivial. For example, the user registration process on a web site is well-defined so do not choose such a well-established task. Instead, choose a task that is unique (or close to) your application/web site. You may use 3 tasks from your main project to address these challenges. For the low-fidelity prototype, use the techniques you used when developing the communications app and as described in the "Prototyping for Tiny Fingers" paper as a guideline. Subsequently to the low-fidelity prototyping, you will build out the refined prototype using a higher-fidelity prototyping tool, such as AxureRP, proto.io or other. This will afford greater interactivity and a closer representation to the finished design so as to better communicate your intentions to your prospective users.

Conducting tests of your paper prototype
To gain benefit from paper prototyping you will need to test your design ideas and assumptions with a representative sample of the user base. These participants will be given a short demo of how to work the (paper) system, with you "playing computer". Your low-fidelity prototype should therefore have reasonable coverage, typically horizontally if not vertically also in places. You should write-up a short script of your demo and follow the same script with each participant. The participant will then be given task directions for the first task that tells him/her what they are trying to achieve, not how to do it. Encourage them to speak out loud. When they are finished, you will give them the directions for the next task and so on. Keep each task on a separate card. During the experiment, log critical incidents (both positive and negative events). Write it down along with a description of what was going on at the time. Later you should prioritise these events and assign severity ratings to the problems. Each participant will perform all 3 tasks. You will want to keep the data separate for each task and participate.

Using a prototyping tool (e.g. AxureRP) to create an interactive prototype of your application for proof of concept. Your prototype should implement (at a minimum) the three scenarios that you developed for your tasks, though in reality doing so will afford general usage of the system. In addition, the design of the prototype should now start to account for the size, resolution colours, and other attributes of you target platform. However, the underlying functionality does not have to be fully implemented. For example, applications requiring large databases of information can instead have sufficient information to effectively 'mock' behaviour.

Your prototypes must be accessible via a web link. Typically, these tools will host the prototype in the cloud. If not, arrange to share via an online file sharing service. It must be accompanied by a README document that describes any installation requirements and operating instructions, including any limitations in the implementation. The prototype will be executable without installing any additional software.

Deliverables and Brief can be found here


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